Cambridge Health Alliance Readiness for Gambling Expansion (CHARGE) is an initiative designed to advance healthy communities across Massachusetts and beyond through provider training, outreach activities, and research related to gambling disorder, addiction, and other related mental health conditions.
2025 CHARGE activities include:
- The Division on Addiction is supporting Health Resources in Action’s 2025 Gambling Disorder Screening Day activities – including consultation and help with planning, designing, and conducting trainings and providing technical assistance to first time hosts – with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services
- Ms. Kira Landauer and Ms. Nakita Sconsoni will present about Gambling Disorder Screening Day during the National Council on Problem Gambling Webinar “Preparing for Problem Gambling Awareness Month 2025” on January 14th
- The 12th Annual Gambling Disorder Screening Day, established by the Division on Addiction at Cambridge Health Alliance in 2014, will be on March 11th
CHARGE’s Twelfth Gambling Disorder Screening Day
To learn more about CHARGE’s accomplishments, we invite you to navigate using the buttons above or click explore CHARGE’s annual updates below:
2024 CHARGE activities include:
- The Division on Addiction will support Health Resources in Action’s 2024 Gambling Disorder Screening Day activities – including consultation and help with planning, designing and conducting CE-approved trainings for first time hosts and creating a Best Practices Guide for Screening Day Hosts – with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services
- Ms. Nakita Sconsoni presented about Problem Gambling 101 at an Institute for Health & Recovery staff meeting on January 5th
- Ms. Kira Landauer and Ms. Nakita Sconsoni will present Gambling Disorder Screening Day during the National Council on Problem Gambling Webinar “Preparing for Problem Gambling Awareness Month 2025” on January 14th
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz conducted an online webinar “Promoting Problem Gambling Services” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on January 26th
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz presented about Gambling Disorder Screening Day at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) Northeast Provider Meeting on February 6th
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Screening & Assessment for Gambling Disorder: Part I (Screening)” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on February 9th
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Screening & Assessment for Gambling Disorder: Part II (Assessment)” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on February 16th
- Staff from the Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action facilitated a MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment (M-TAC) Statewide Meeting “Problem Gambling Awareness Month and Gambling Disorder Screening Day” on February 28th
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated “Project Build Up Learning Academy: Exploring Sports Betting & Problem Gambling” in March
- Harvard Health Publishing featured Dr. Debi LaPlante’s article Ever Worry About Your Gambling? on March 6th
- Dr. Heather Gray and Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz conducted an online training “Problematic Gambling and Intervention Approaches” for professional social workers through the Professional Education Program in the School of Social Work at Bridgewater State University on March 8th
- The 12th Annual Gambling Disorder Screening Day, established by the Division on Addiction at Cambridge Health Alliance in 2014, was March 11th
- Ms. Annette Siu presented at the Harvard Psychiatry Research Poster Session and Mysell Lecture on March 13th: “Developing a Computerized Mental Health and Wellness Screening Tool for Older Adults”
- Mr. John Slabczynski presented at the Harvard Psychiatry Research Poster Session and Mysell Lecture on March 13th: “Drinking Responsibly: Moving Towards a Measurement of an Ambiguous Construct”
- Drs. Debi LaPlante and Heather Gray conducted a webinar “Screening for Gambling Disorder” sponsored by the International Center for Responsible Gaming on March 21st
- Ms. Nakita Sconsoni conducted an online webinar “Gambling Disorder Treatment in Practice” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on April 3rd
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online training “Introduction to Gambling & Gambling Disorder” for staff members at Casa Esperanza Inc. on May 8th and 10th
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz presented about the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) Northeast Provider Meeting on May 14th
- Dr. Sarah Nelson conducted an online webinar “Responsible Gambling Algorithms: What Are We Really Measuring?” sponsored by the International Center for Responsible Gaming on May 15th
- Ms. Kira Landauer, Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz, and Ms. Nakita Sconsoni presented about “Innovations in Gambling Screening: Identifying and Addressing Barriers with a Health Equity Lens” at the 2024 Massachusetts Problem Gambling Conference, hosted by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, on May 17th
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated “Project Build Up Learning Academy: Exploring Stigma & Problem Gambling” in June
- Staff from the Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action facilitated a MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment (M-TAC) Statewide Meeting “Supporting Loved Ones of People Experiencing Addiction” on June 5th
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online training “Problem Gambling Treatment Resources in Massachusetts: An Overview of M-TAC and PBU” for staff members at the West End Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital on June 20th
- Dr. Seth McCullock conducted an online webinar “Cultivating Cultural Humility in Practice: A Critical Self-Reflection Journey” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on June 21st
- The Division on Addiction published a Gambling Disorder Screening Day Report, outlining data that was gathered from activities, support, and participation in our 11th annual Gambling Disorder Screening Day event
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Screening & Assessment for Gambling Disorder: Part I (Screening)” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on September 19th
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Screening & Assessment for Gambling Disorder: Part II (Assessment)” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on September 26th
- Dr. Eric Louderback presented about “Who’s Responsible for Responsible Gambling? What Players Say” sponsored by the International Center for Responsible Gaming on October 7th
- Dr. Sarah Nelson presented on a panel about “Celebrating 25 Years of ICRG: Reflecting on Past Achievements and Envisioning the Future of Gambling Research” sponsored by the International Center for Responsible Gaming on October 8th
- Ms. Nakita Sconsoni conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Gambling Disorder Treatment Best Practices” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on October 18th
- Ms. Nakita Sconsoni conducted an online webinar “Gambling Disorder Treatment in Practice” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on October 25th
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Promoting Problem Gambling Treatment Services” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on November 8th
- Dr. Seth McCullock conducted an online webinar “Cultivating Cultural Humility in Practice: A Critical Self-Reflection Journey” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on November 19th
- Dr. Heather Gray conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Gambling & Co-occurring Disorders” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on December 13th
CHARGE’s Eleventh Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s eleventh Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 12, 2024 included supporters from within Massachusetts, across the United States, and around the world.
- Adcare Educational Institute of Maine
- Arizona Council on Compulsive Gambling
- Beth Israel Lahey Health Behavioral Services
- The Bridge Recovery Center, Malden Overcoming Addiction
- Bridgewell Counseling Services (Amesbury, Lowell, and Lynn locations)
- Choices Treatment Center
- Coastal Recovery Community Center
- The Cognitive Clinic
- Creative Calm Counseling LLC
- Deborah G. Haskins, PhD, LCPC, Board-Approved Supervisor, MAC, ICGC-II, CCGSO, BACC, CGT
- Doura-Schawohl Consulting LLC
- Entain
- FanDuel
- Gambling Research and Policy Initiative, East Carolina University
- Gambling Treatment and Research Clinic, School of Psychology, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney
- GameSense
- Health Resources in Action
- Institute for Gambling Regulation (Institut pro regulaci hazardních her)
- International Center for Responsible Gaming
- KGA, Inc.
- Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York, Inc. (KCS)
- Maine Council on Problem Gambling
- Michael V. Stanton, PhD, Associate Professor of Public Health, California State University, East Bay
- Middlesex Human Service Agency, Inc.
- MISSION Behavioral Health Lab
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- Pastor of Poker LLC
- Pleasants County Family Resource Network
- Portuguese Mental Health Team at the Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA) Malden Care Center
- Responsible Gaming Project – Zodpovědné hraní
- Riverside Community Care Outpatient Center (Lynnfield location)
- Riverwalk Casino
- Sheridan County Behavioral Health Coalition
- Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling in Massachusetts (SEIGMA)
- Southeast Community College
- Student Health Promotion at Indiana State University
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Even Centre
- Vermont Department of Mental Health
- Washington State University
2023 CHARGE activities include:
- Ms. Kira Landauer and Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz presented about Gambling Disorder Screening Day during the National Council on Problem Gambling Webinar “Gearing Up for Problem Gambling Awareness Month 2023 – 20th Anniversary Year!” on January 24th
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz conducted an online webinar “Promoting Problem Gambling Services” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on January 27th
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Screening & Assessment for Gambling Disorder” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on February 15th
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz presented about the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment and Gambling Disorder Screening Day at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) Northeast Provider Meeting on February 15th
- Dr. Sarah Nelson presented about the Syndrome Model of Addiction for the MISSION Behavioral Health Lab on February 27th
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated “Project Build Up Learning Academy: Promoting and Providing Problem Gambling Treatment Services to Black, African American, and African Descent Communities” in February and March
- Ms. Kira Landauer facilitated a webinar “Gambling Disorder Screening Day: Tools and Tips” for the Illinois Council on Problem Gambling on March 1st
- Mr. John Slabczynski and Ms. Taylor Lee presented at the Harvard Psychiatry Research Poster Session and Mysell Lecture on March 1st: “All In: A Scoping Review of the Association between Gambling and Athletic Participation”
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz and Ms. Nakita Sconsoni were guests on the ALL IN: The Addicted Gambler’s Podcast with Brian Hatch. Episode #340 aired on March 6th — listen here
- The 10th Annual Gambling Disorder Screening Day, established by the Division on Addiction at Cambridge Health Alliance in 2014, was March 14th
- Dr. Sarah Nelson was a panelist for the International Center for Responsible Gaming webinar “Research on Responsible Gambling: Where Are We Going?” on March 14th
- Ms. Nakita Sconsoni conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Gambling Disorder Treatment Best Practices” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on April 26th
- Dr. Eric Louderback conducted a webinar “Responsible Gambling Information Centers: A Review of Key Scientific Research Findings, Discussion of Best Practices and the GameSense Program” as part of the International Center for Responsible Gaming Webinar Series on May 18th
- Dr. Heather Gray presented her paper, Gray, H. M. (2023). Gambling Disorder Screening Day: A Ten-year Retrospective, at the 18th International Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking in Las Vegas, NV on May 23rd
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz presented about the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) MetroWest Provider Meeting on May 23rd
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated “Project Build Up Learning Academy: Promoting and Providing Problem Gambling Treatment Services to to Those with Incarceration Experience” in May
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz and Ms. Nakita Sconsoni presented about Problem Gambling at the Association for Behavioral Health, Structured Outpatient Addiction Program (SOAP) Committee meeting on June 8th
- Dr. Seth McCullock conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Cultural Humility” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on June 16th
- Dr. Debi LaPlante conducted a webinar “Open Science in Gambling Research” as part of the International Center for Responsible Gaming Webinar Series on June 27th
- The Division on Addiction created a Gambling Disorder Screening Day Report, outlining data that was gathered from activities, support, and participation in our 10th annual Gambling Disorder Screening Day event
- Dr. Eric Louderback presented on responsible gambling and sports betting at the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico 2023 conference on August 10th
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz conducted an online webinar “Promoting Problem Gambling Services” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on September 19th
- Staff from the Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action facilitated a MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment (M-TAC) Statewide Meeting “Sports Betting in Massachusetts” on September 22nd
- Dr. Matthew Tom presented his research on “Creating a Novel Blackjack Simulation Program to Inform Online and Land-based Gambling Risk Detection” at the International Center for Responsible Gambling’s Conference on Gambling and Addiction in Las Vegas on October 8th
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Screening & Assessment for Gambling Disorder: Part I (Screening)” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on October 20th
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Screening & Assessment for Gambling Disorder: Part II (Assessment)” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on October 27th
- Dr. Seth McCullock conducted an online webinar “Cultivating Cultural Humility in Practice: A Critical Self-Reflection Journey” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on November 2nd
- Ms. Kira Landauer presented about the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS) Boston Provider Meeting on November 15th
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated “Project Build Up Learning Academy: Exploring Problem Gambling in Sober Housing Environments” in November
- Staff from the Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action facilitated a MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment (M-TAC) Statewide Meeting “Supporting Individuals in Recovery during the Holiday Season” on December 8th
- Ms. Nakita Sconsoni conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Gambling Disorder Treatment Best Practices” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on December 19th
CHARGE’s Tenth Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s tenth Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 14, 2023 included supporters from within Massachusetts, across the United States, and around the world.
- Adcare Educational Institute of Maine
- Behavioral Health, Wellness, and Prevention Services, Virginia Beach Department of Human Services
- Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center
- Brian Hatch; ALL IN: The Addicted Gambler’s Podcast
- Catholic Charities Family and Community Services
- Center of Excellence in Addiction, Department of Psychiatry, UMass Chan Medical School
- David Yeager; FALL IN: The Problem Gambling Podcast for Military Service Members and Veterans
- Deborah G. Haskins, PhD, LCPC, MAC, ICGC-II, CCGSO, BACC, CGT
- DraftKings
- Entain
- EPIC Risk Management
- Everett Haitian Community Center
- Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling
- Gambling Treatment and Research Clinic, School of Psychology, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney
- Health Resources in Action
- Indiana Problem Gambling Awareness Program
- International Center for Responsible Gaming
- International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors, McGill University
- KGA, Inc.
- Linn County Alcohol and Drug Program
- Maine Council on Problem Gambling
- Massachusetts Council on Gaming and Health
- Metropolitan Human Services District
- MGM Resorts
- Michael Stanton, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, California State University, East Bay
- Middlesex Human Service Agency, Inc.
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- Pastor of Poker, LLC
- Pleasants County Family Resource Network
- Rosecrance Jackson Centers
- Shreveport Job Corps
- Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling in Massachusetts (SEIGMA)
- St. Francis House
- Sunrise Community for Recovery & Wellness
- Suquamish Tribe Wellness Center
- Treatment Innovations
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Even Centre
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas International Gaming Institute
- U.S. Virgin Islands Casino Control Commission
- Virtue Recovery Center
- Visions Substance Use Program, Association House of Chicago
- Washington State University
2022 CHARGE activities include:
- Ms. Kira Landauer and Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz presented about Gambling Disorder Screening Day during the National Council on Problem Gambling Webinar “Gearing Up for Problem Gambling Awareness Month 2022” on January 25th
- New resources were added to the Gambling Disorder Screening Day Toolkit in February — Treating Gambling Disorder: A Guide for Providers, Supporting Families and Friends of a Loved One with Gambling Problems: A Provider’s Guide, and the On Demand Video Library
- Drs. Debi LaPlante and Heather Gray recorded a webinar “New Hampshire Providers Need To Know About Gambling and Gambling Disorder,” produced by the New Hampshire Council on Responsible Gambling and the New Hampshire Council on Problem Gambling on February 3rd
- Dr. Heather Gray, Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz, and Ms. Nakita Sconsoni were guests on the ALL IN: The Addicted Gambler’s Podcast with Brian Hatch. Episode #297 aired on March 1st — listen here
- Governor Charlie Baker issued a citation recognizing Gambling Disorder Screening Day and praising the Division on Addiction’s efforts to spread awareness about Gambling Disorder throughout the Commonwealth on March 7th
- The Division on Addiction participated in the Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling’s “Twitter Chat Tuesdays: Women’s Health Month AND Gambling Disorder Screening Day” on March 8th
- Ms. Kira Landauer presented at the Harvard Psychiatry Research Poster Session and Mysell Lecture on March 9th: “Preparing Massachusetts treatment providers for gambling expansion: Initial observations from a statewide needs assessment and capacity building program”
- Dr. Heather Gray provided a webinar titled “Who’s Responsible for Responsible Gambling? New Research Findings and Their Implications for Diverse Stakeholder Groups” as part of the Iowa Department of Public Health Problem Gambling Webinar Series on March 23rd
- Dr. Debi LaPlante gave a lecture titled “Internet Sports Betting: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” as part of the Raschkowan Lecture Series: Gambling During a Digital Revolution (presented by National Council on Problem Gambling and International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems & High-Risk Behaviors, McGill University) on March 24th
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated a Project Build Up: Learning Academy in March and April
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz conducted an online webinar “Promoting Problem Gambling Services” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on April 14th
- Dr. Heather Gray participated in an online webinar “Treatment Implications of Expanded Gambling: Insights from Research and Lived Experience” sponsored by the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico in April
- Dr. Eric Louderback presented at the Division on Addiction’s virtual poster session on May 5th: “Big Wins and Engagement Trends in Online Sports Betting: An Analysis of Player Data from a Large Gambling Operator”
- Ms. Kira Landauer presented at the Division on Addiction’s virtual poster session on May 5th: “Preparing Massachusetts Treatment Providers for Gambling Expansion: Initial Observations from a Statewide Needs Assessment and Capacity Building Program”
- Mr. John Slabczynski presented at the Division on Addiction’s virtual poster session on May 5th: “A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Problem Gambling and Self-Harm: A Causal Inference Perspective”
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated a Project Build Up: Learning Academy in May and June
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, launched a new on-demand training for allied health providers in June, offered through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment: “Ask an Expert: Learning about Problem Gambling from Researchers, Clinicians, Advocates, and People with Lived Experience”
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, launched a new on-demand training for allied health providers in June, offered through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment: “Gambling Case Study Series”
- Drs. Debi LaPlante and Heather Gray conducted a session titled “Massachusetts Technical Assistance Center (M-TAC): Infusing Innovation to Enhance Problem Gambling Treatment Capacity” at the National Council on Problem Gambling‘s National Conference on Gambling Addiction & Responsible Gambling 2022
- Dr. Sarah Nelson conducted a webinar titled “All In: Why Athletes Might be at Particular Risk for Gambling-related Problems” for the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico in August
- Dr. Eric Louderback presented at the Cambridge Health Alliance 2022 Academic Poster Session on September 14th: “Big Wins and Engagement Trends in Online Sports Betting: An Analysis of Player Data from a Large Gambling Operator”
- Ms. Kira Landauer presented at the Cambridge Health Alliance 2022 Academic Poster Session on September 14th: “Preparing Massachusetts Treatment Providers for Gambling Expansion: Initial Observations from a Statewide Needs Assessment and Capacity Building Program”
- Mr. John Slabczynski presented at the Cambridge Health Alliance 2022 Academic Poster Session on September 14th: “A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Problem Gambling and Self-Harm: A Causal Inference Perspective”
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated a Project Build Up: Learning Academy in September and October
- The International Center for Responsible Gaming honored Dr. Sarah Nelson with the 2022 Scientific Achievement Award for her contributions to the field of gambling studies
- Dr. Eric Louderback gave a virtual presentation titled “A Public Health Approach to Reducing Gambling-related Harm: A Multiple Stakeholder Perspective” at the 5th Annual Safer Gambling Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus on October 3rd
- Dr. Debi LaPlante conducted a plenary session titled “Building Cultures of Recovery in Tribal Nations” at the 23rd International Center for Responsible Gaming Conference on Gambling and Addiction on October 9th
- Dr. Matthew Tom gave a talk titled “Big Wins and their Relationship with Excessive Gambling” at the 23rd International Center for Responsible Gaming Conference on Gambling and Addiction on October 10th
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Screening for Gambling Disorder” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on February 24th and October 28th
- Dr. Heather Gray conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Cultural Humility” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on January 26th and November 3rd
- Ms. Nakita Sconsoni conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Gambling Disorder Treatment Best Practices” for Massachusetts treatment providers through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on May 5th and November 17th
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated a Project Build Up: Learning Academy in November and December
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, launched a new on-demand training for allied health providers in December, offered through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment: “The Worldwide Addiction Gambling Education Report (The WAGER) Microlearning Course”
CHARGE’s Ninth Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s ninth Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 8, 2022 included supporters from within Massachusetts, across the United States, and around the world.
- Adcare Educational Institute of Maine
- Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center
- Brian Hatch; ALL IN: The Addicted Gambler’s Podcast
- Coastal Recovery Community Center
- David Yeager; FALL IN: The Problem Gambling Podcast for Military Service Members and Veterans
- Deborah G. Haskins, PhD, LCPC, ACS, MAC, ICGC-II, CCGSO, BACC
- DraftKings
- Entain
- EPIC Risk Management
- Everett Haitian Community Center
- The Evolution Group
- Gambler North Dakota
- Health Resources in Action
- Health Street, University of Florida
- Heritage Behavioral Health Center
- International Center for Responsible Gaming
- International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors, McGill University
- Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority
- KGA, Inc.
- Maine Council on Problem Gambling
- Massachusetts Council on Gaming and Health
- MGM Resorts
- Michael Stanton, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, California State University, East Bay
- Minnesota Alliance on Problem Gambling
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- New Choices Recovery Center
- Nicasa Behavioral Health Services
- Paige M. Shaffer, MPH; Center of Excellence in Addiction, Department of Psychiatry, UMass Chan Medical School
- Richard Hall Community Mental Health Center
- Robert Ladouceur, PhD, Professor Emeritus, School of Psychology, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
- Rushford, a Hartford Healthcare Partner (110 National Drive, Glastonbury, CT location)
- Seed Inc.
- Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling in Massachusetts (SEIGMA)
- Southeast Community College
- South Suburban Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
- Springfield Department of Health and Human Services
- Spring River Mental Health & Wellness, Inc.
- United Way of Seneca County
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas International Gaming Institute
- Washington State University
- Yakama Nation Tiináwit Program
2021 CHARGE activities include:
- The BASIS commemorated a quarter-century of addiction science reviews with a special editorial “Remembering Our First Issue of The WAGER: Celebrating 25 Years” on January 14th
- Ms. Kira Landauer and Ms. Jennifer Scarborough presented about Gambling Disorder Screening Day during the National Council on Problem Gambling Webinar “Getting Ready for Problem Gambling Awareness Month” on January 19th
- The e-BBGS (Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen) was given a new look in January
- Drs. Heather Gray and William McAuliffe conducted a training on Gambling Disorder with Psychiatry Fellows at the VA Boston Outpatient Clinic in February
- The Division on Addiction re-released our free curriculum “Facing the Odds: The Mathematics of Gambling and Other Risks“
- Dr. Debi LaPlante and Ms. Kira Landauer discussed Gambling Disorder Screening Day in a webinar with Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling – “Get Ready for Gambling Disorder Screening Day” – on February 26th
- Ms. Jennifer Scarborough conducted an online webinar “What is Gambling Disorder Screening Day and Why Does It Matter for You?” with Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline staffers on March 2nd
- The Division on Addiction participated in a Twitter Chat – “Promoting and Preparing for Gambling Disorder Screening Day” – hosted by the Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling on March 2nd
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online webinar “What is Gambling Disorder Screening Day and Why Does It Matter for You?” with Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services treatment providers on March 3rd
- Dr. Heather Gray and Ms. Jennifer Scarborough presented on Gambling Disorder and its connection to substance use disorders at a Learn to Cope support group meeting on March 30th
- Dr. Heather Gray and Ms. Kira Landauer presented on Gambling Disorder and its connection to substance use disorders at a Learn to Cope support group meeting on April 8th
- Dr. Sarah Nelson presented at the Division on Addiction’s virtual poster session on April 20th: “Changes to the Playing Field: A Contemporary Study of Actual Online Sports Betting”
- Ms. Karen Amichia presented at the Division on Addiction’s virtual poster session on April 20th: “Open Science Practices in Gambling Research Publications: A Scoping Review”
- Dr. Sarah Nelson presented at Harvard Psychiatry Research Day and Mysell Lecture on April 21st: “Changes to the Playing Field: A Contemporary Study of Actual Online Sports Betting”
- Ms. Karen Amichia presented at Harvard Psychiatry Research Day and Mysell Lecture on April 21st: “Open Science Practices in Gambling Research Publications: A Scoping Review”
- Dr. Matthew Tom was a guest speaker in the Technology, Risk and Gambling Seminar Series hosted by the Brain and Mind Centre, The University of Sydney. His talk was titled “Behavioral Analysis: Getting Started with Secondary Data from Operators” – on May 12th
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated “Project Build-Up Learning Academy: Promoting and Providing Problem Gambling Services to Asian-American Communities” in May
- Ms. Kira Landauer, Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz, and Ms. Karen Amichia presented “Top 10 Things to Know About Problem Gambling” to Recovery Support Center staff at St. Francis House on June 16th
- The Division and DraftKings announced a new collaborative agreement in July: Dissemination, Training, & Strategic Consulting for Responsible Online Gaming and Gambling Activities
- Drs. Sarah Nelson and Heather Gray presented during the Responsible Gaming Association of New Mexico’s webinar “Ethics Session III: Sports Betting and Fantasy Sports Betting in the U.S.” on July 16th
- The Division launched its free, On Demand Video Library featuring the series “Ask An Expert: How Providers Can Better Promote and Provide Problem Gambling Services to Asian American Community Members” – in July
- Dr. Sarah Nelson presented “Disrupting the Regulator, Research and Industry: How to Narrow the Gap Between these Worlds Apart” at the International Association of Gaming Regulators 2021 Conference on September 14th
- Dr. Heather Gray hosted a webinar titled “Who’s Responsible for Responsible Gambling?” as part of the 22nd International Center for Responsible Gaming Conference on Gambling and Addiction on September 21st
- Ms. Kira Landauer presented “Preparing Massachusetts treatment providers for gambling expansion: Initial observations from a statewide needs assessment and capacity building program” during the International Center for Responsible Gaming 2021 Virtual Conference Poster Session, October 4th-7th (view poster here)
- Dr. Matthew Tom was a panelist at the Global Gaming Expo on October 5th. Dr. Tom’s panel discussion was titled “What We Know About Gambling Disorder and Responsible Gaming”
- The MA Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, in collaboration with the Division on Addiction at Cambridge Health Alliance and Health Resources in Action, launched a new website for problem gambling awareness, education, and treatment and recovery service referrals. This new website, launched on October 18th, is home to both the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment and the MA Problem Gambling Helpline
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online webinar “Introduction to Screening for Gambling Disorder” through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on November 10th
- The Division on Addiction and Health Resources in Action, with funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services, facilitated “Project Build-Up Learning Academy: Best Practices in Promoting and Providing Problem Gambling Services” in November
- Ms. Caitlyn Matykiewicz conducted an online webinar “Promoting Problem Gambling Services” through the MA Technical Assistance Center for Problem Gambling Treatment on December 14th
CHARGE’s Eighth Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s eighth Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 9, 2021 included supporters from within Massachusetts and around the nation.
- BetMGM
- DraftKings
- Entain
- EPIC Risk Management
- Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling
- The Evolution Group
- Gambling Treatment and Research Clinic, School of Psychology, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney
- The Gavin Foundation
- Health Resources in Action
- Health Street, University of Florida
- Highlands Health Clinic
- International Center for Responsible Gaming
- International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors, McGill University
- Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority
- KGA, Inc.
- Learn to Cope
- The Learning Lamp
- Linn County Alcohol and Drug Program
- The Massachusetts Council on Gaming and Health
- Michael Stanton, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, California State University, East Bay
- Middlesex Human Service Agency, Inc.
- National Association of Administrators for Disordered Gambling Services (NAADGS) *formerly know as the Association of Problem Gambling Service Administrators (APGSA)
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- New Hampshire Council on Problem Gambling
- Nicasa Behavioral Health Services
- The North Charles Institute for the Addictions
- Oregon Council on Problem Gambling
- Riverwalk Casino
- Robert Ladouceur, PhD, Professor Emeritus, School of Psychology, Université Laval, Québec, Canada
- Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling in Massachusetts (SEIGMA)
- Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities
- Treatment Innovations
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Even Centre
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas International Gaming Institute
- Williamsville Wellness
- Yakama Nation Problem Gambling Program
2020 CHARGE activities include:
- Drs. Debi LaPlante and Heather Gray were sworn in as members of the State of New Hampshire Council on Responsible Gambling on January 22nd
- Dr. Debi LaPlante gave grand rounds, “Gambling in Your Practice: Information & Resources for Addressing Gambling Harm” at Cambridge Health Alliance on February 19th
- Dr. Heather Gray presented on the Syndrome Model of Addiction to psychiatry fellows at the Causeway (Boston) VA Outpatient Center on February 24th
- Ms. Kira Landauer and Ms. Vanessa Graham presented the Gambling Disorder Screening Day Toolkit during the National Council on Problem Gambling Webinar “Problem Gambling Awareness Month – Get Ready for #AwarenessPlusAction” in February
- The Division on Addiction hosted Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 10th
- Dr. Heather Gray spoke about gambling with members of the Salem, MA chapter of Learn to Cope in March
- The BASIS highlighted Gambling Disorder Screening Day during our March Special Series on Community Approaches to Addiction
- Dr. Sarah Nelson was part of a webinar panel on self-exclusion in collaboration with the International Center for Responsible Gaming and International Association of Gaming Advisors on April 8th
- Dr. Heather Gray and Ms. Kira Landauer provided an educational session about gambling and gambling-related harm to members of the St. Francis House Recovery Support Center in April
- The Division released a new version of their Computerized Assessment and Referral System (CARS-5) that now includes a module devoted to gambling disorder in addition to gambling disorder screening questions in April
- Ms. Alessandra Grossman presented at the Division on Addiction’s virtual poster session: “Association between Gambling and Self-Harm: A Scoping Review”
- Dr. Sarah Nelson presented “Patterns of Daily Fantasy Sports Play: Implications for the Emerging US Sports Betting Market” at a webinar hosted by the International Center for Responsible Gaming on June 18th
- The Division kicked off Statewide Capacity Building and Technical Assistance for Problem Gambling Treatment Services, a three-year project funded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Office of Problem Gambling Services and in collaboration with Health Resources in Action in July
- Dr. Eric Louderback was a guest speaker in the Technology, Risk and Gambling Seminar Series hosted by the Brain and Mind Centre, The University of Sydney. His talk was titled “Replicability, Open Science, and Independence in Gambling Research” – on July 8th
- Dr. Heather Gray was a guest speaker in the Technology, Risk and Gambling Seminar Series hosted by the Brain and Mind Centre, The University of Sydney. Her talk was titled “Responsible Gambling II: Gambling Education Programs” – on July 22nd
- Drs. Debi LaPlante and Heather Gray conducted an online training “Responsible Gambling” with Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline staffers on September 25th
- Ms. Kira Landauer conducted an online training “Treatment for Problem Gambling & Gambling Disorder” with Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline staffers on October 9th
- The Transparency Project released a new codebook and dataset available for download: “Understanding the Relation Between Social Behaviors and Daily Fantasy Sports Risk Behavior“
- Global Office Hours faculty Drs. Robert Ladouceur and Alexander Blaszczynski hosted informal live chats to discuss their extensive work and expertise with problem gambling
CHARGE’s Seventh Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s seventh Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 10, 2020 included supporters from within Massachusetts and around the nation.
- Bayshore Counseling Services
- Butler County Human Services, Drug and Alcohol Program
- Gambling Treatment and Research Clinic, School of Psychology, Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney
- Gandara Center
- Gavin Foundation
- Health Street, University of Florida
- Heritage Behavioral Health Center
- International Center for Responsible Gaming
- International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors, McGill University
- KGA, Inc.
- L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, San Diego State University
- Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling
- Massachusetts Gaming Commission
- Middlesex Human Service Agency, Inc. / Middlesex DUIL Program
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- Nevada Council on Problem Gambling
- New Hampshire Council on Problem Gambling
- New York Council on Problem Gambling
- New York State Problem Gambling Resource Centers
- Outpatient Addictions Services, Cambridge Health Alliance
- Public Health – Muskegon County, Michigan
- Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling in Massachusetts (SEIGMA)
- St. Francis House
- Treatment Innovations
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Even Centre
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas International Gaming Institute
2019 CHARGE activities include:
- Dr. Sarah Nelson presented the Division’s evaluation of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission Voluntary Self-Exclusion Program to the Public Health Trust Fund on January 23rd
- Dr. Sarah E. Nelson presented the Division’s Massachusetts Gambling Treatment Services Gap Analysis: Part 1 – State of the Services to the Public Health Trust Fund on January 23rd
- Dr. Heather M. Gray presented the Division’s Massachusetts Gambling Treatment Services Gap Analysis: Part 2 – Assessing Need to the Public Health Trust Fund on January 23rd
- Vanessa H. Graham presented the Gambling Disorder Screening Day Toolkit during the National Council on Problem Gambling webinar on February 19th
- Dr. Heather Gray presented The Unitary Addiction Hypothesis to the clinical staff at the VA Boston Community Based Outpatient Clinic on February 24th
- The Division on Addiction hosted Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 12th
- The Division published a Special Series on Gambling and Addiction on The BASIS throughout the month of March
- Division faculty presented a free webinar “Situational Preparedness in the Treatment of Gambling Disorder and Other Expressions of Addiction: A Webinar Sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health” on April 11th
- Drs. Debi A. LaPlante and Sarah E. Nelson presented the Division’s Massachusetts Gambling Treatment Services Gap Analysis to the Public Health Trust Fund on November 18th
- The Division evaluated the Massachusetts Department of Public Health addiction helplines
CHARGE’s Sixth Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s sixth Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 12, 2019 included supporters from within Massachusetts and around the nation.
- Alabama Council on Compulsive Gambling
- Association of Problem Gambling Service Administrators
- Boston Alcohol and Substance Abuse Programs
- Cambridge Health Alliance Outpatient Addictions Service
- Council on Compulsive Gambling of Pennsylvania, Inc.
- Gavin Foundation
- Illinois Council on Problem Gambling
- International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors
- International Gaming Institute – University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Jacquelyn Burger, MS, LCADC
- KGA, Inc.
- Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- New Hampshire Council on Problem Gambling
- Nicasa Behavioral Health Services
- North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
- North Charles, Inc.
- Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, Office of Compulsive and Problem Gambling
- Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling in Massachusetts
- St. Francis House
- Treatment Innovations
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Veterans Anonymous
- Washington State Health Care Authority, Division of Behavioral Health & Recovery, Problem Gambling Program
2018 CHARGE activities include:
- The Division revised and expanded the Gambling Disorder Screen Day Toolkit
- Ms. Vanessa H. Graham educated gambling stakeholders about Gambling Disorder Screening Day during a National Center for Problem Gaming webinar
- Drs. Debi A. LaPlante and Heather M. Gray presented to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health certified Intimate Partner Abuse Education Program (IEAEP) directors about gambling and violence
- Drs. Debi A. LaPlante and Heather M. Gray presented to the Cambridge Health Alliance Victims of Violence program about gambling and violence
- Drs. Debi A. LaPlante, Sarah E. Nelson, and Heather M. Gray hosted a free webinar on evidence-based practices for treating gambling
- Drs. Debi A. LaPlante, Sarah E. Nelson, and Heather M. Gray trained Cambridge Health Alliance medical residents about Addiction Syndrome, including gambling as an addiction
- Drs. Heather M. Gray and Sarah E. Nelson completed the first phases of a gambling treatment gap analysis for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Addiction Services treatment providers
- Dr. Heather M. Gray authored the op-ed: Introduction to the Special Series on Gambling Disorder
- Dr. Heather M. Gray presented “Educating Patrons and Employees about Responsible Gaming: What Does the Research Say?” webinar hosted by the National Center for Responsible Gaming
- Dr. Debi A. LaPlante authored The Fifth Annual Gambling Disorder Screening Day is March 13, 2018
- Rhiannon C. Wiley authored The DRAM, Vol. 14(13) – Taking stock: Decision-making ability in Alcohol Use Disorder and Gambling Disorder
- Rhiannon C. Wiley authored ASHES, Vol. 14(3) – Double trouble: Smoking, gambling, and impulsivity
- Pat W. Williams authored STASH, Vol. 14(3) – New avenues for gambling treatment
- Rhiannon C. Wiley authored The WAGER, Vol. 23(3) – Paying to play: Do paid fantasy sports leagues signal gambling problems?
CHARGE’s Fifth Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s fifth Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 13, 2018 included supporters from within Massachusetts and around the nation.
- Baystate Health
- Boston Medical Center
- Duffy Health Center
- KGA, Inc.
- Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling
- Middlesex Human Service Agency, Inc.
- Morneau Shepell Ltd.
- National Center for Responsible Gaming
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- North Charles, Inc.
- Parq Vancouver
- Paul Booth
- Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts
- School of Public Health and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Treatment Innovations
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Veterans Anonymous
2017 CHARGE activities include:
- Dr. Howard J. Shaffer presented How We Understand: Addiction at the Harvard Medical School Treating the Addictions Course, Boston, Mass.
- Dr. Heather. M. Gray presented Educating Patrons and Employees about Responsible Gaming: What Does the Research Say? at the 18th Annual NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction
- Drs. Debi LaPlante, Matthew Tom, Pradeep Singh, and Timothy Edson presented a preliminary study of patron’s use of the PlayMyWay program at Plainridge Park Casino during a public meeting in November.
- The Division revised Practice Guidelines for Treating Gambling Related Problems: An Evidence-based Treatment Guide for Clinicians
- Drs. Howard Shaffer, Debi LaPlante and Heather Gray hosted a working training to support the development of evidence-based treatment guidelines for gambling related problems, as part of Updating and Refining Problem Gambling Treatment Guidelines of Research & Practice
- Dr. Mark Albanese presented Case Studies: Co-occurring Gambling Disorder among Treatment Seekers at Community Addiction Clinics at the 18th Annual NCRG Conference on Gambling Addiction
- The Division revised Your First Step to Change and published Your First Step to Change, 2nd Edition
- The Division revised Practice Guidelines for Treating Gambling Related Problems: An Evidence-based Treatment Guide for Clinicians
- The BASIS dedicated its research reviews and editorials published throughout the month of March to gambling and gambling-related problems. Check out this Special Series here.
- Dr. Heather M. Gray authored the op-ed: Introduction to Special Series on Problem Gambling
- Dr. Timothy Edson authored The WAGER, Vol. 22(3) – Life events and problem gambling severity: A prospective study
- The BASIS published a first person op-ed authored by someone living with Gambling Disorder
- Dr. Debi A. LaPlante authored Screening Works! The 4th Annual Gambling Disorder Screening Day is March 14, 2017
- Alec Conte authored The DRAM, Vol. 13(3) – Alcohol use and gambling disorder within a clinical sample
- Layne Keating authored ASHES, Vol. 13(3) – A problematic escape: The interaction between smoking and gambling
- Dr. Pradeep Singh authored STASH Vol. 13(3) – Double whammy? Problem gambling, substance use disorders, and illegal drug use
- John H. Kleschinsky authored The WAGER, Vol. 22(4) – How Finnish and French treatment professionals view Gambling Disorder and its treatment
- Dr. Debi A. LaPlante presented Evaluating Responsible Gambling Programs in Emerging Gambling Markets to the New Horizons in Responsible Gambling Conference, Vancouver
CHARGE’s Fourth Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s fourth Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 14, 2017 included supporters from within Massachusetts and around the nation.
- Advocates, Inc.
- Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission
- Association of Problem Gambling Service Administrators
- British Columbia Lottery Corporation
- Gavin Foundation
- Hampshire County Jail and House of Correction
- The Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations
- International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors
- KGA, Inc.
- Massachusetts Gaming Commission
- National Center for Responsible Gaming
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- New Hampshire Council on Problem Gambling
- North Charles Foundation
- Office of Problem Gambling, California Department of Public Health
- Oklahoma City VA Heath Care System
- Outpatient Addiction Service, Cambridge Health Alliance
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Hong Kong
- VA Boston Healthcare Systems
- Worcester House of Corrections
2016 CHARGE activities include:
- The BASIS dedicated its research reviews and editorials published throughout the month of March to gambling and gambling-related problems, including a first-person account of life with a gambling disorder. Check out this special series here.
- Dr. Debi A. LaPlante presented a webinar, “Screening for Gambling Disorder.” The National Center for Responsible Gambling hosted the webinar.
- The Division promoted use of our anonymous BBGS e-Screener online.
- On February 16, 2016, the Division announced that CHARGE faculty had expanded the online Screening Day toolkit materials to include a Screening Day Flyer template.
- Dr. Howard Shaffer lectured Addiction Psychiatry Fellows at Boston Veterans Administration, Boston University Medical School about The Syndrome Model of Addiction.
- During June, the Division released Summary analysis of the Plainridge Park Casino GameSense program activities & visitor survey: December 1, 2015 – May 31, 2016.
- During October, Drs. Heather Gray and Howard Shaffer, along with Division staff member Layne Keating, appeared before an Open Meeting of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission to describe findings from our evaluation of a local responsible gambling initiative.
- During Fall 2016, the Division began providing training in The Syndrome Model of Addiction, with a focus on screening, prevention, and treatment of gambling disorder, to CHA psychiatry residents.
- During October, Dr. Heather Gray presented the keynote address to the Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling. Her presentation was titled “Responsible Gambling Interventions: State of the Field.”
- During December, the Division contracted with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to update and revise Your First Step to Change: Gambling and the Division’s Practice Guidelines for Treating Gambling-related Problems.
CHARGE’s Third Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s third Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 8, 2016 included supporters from within Massachusetts and around the nation.
- Addiction Treatment Services – North Charles Foundation, Inc.
- Advocates, Inc.
- Answer House
- Association of Problem Gambling Service Administrators
- Behavioral Health Network
- British Columbia Lottery Corporation
- The DUNES of Easthampton
- Gavin Foundation
- Institute for Community Health
- International Centre for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors
- International Gaming Institute at UNLV
- KGA, Inc.
- Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling
- Massachusetts Gaming Commission
- Middlesex DUIL
- Mt. Auburn Hospital
- National Center for Responsible Gaming
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- New Hampshire Council on Problem Gambling
- Office of Problem Gambling, California Department of Public Health
- St. Francis House
- Sullivan House
- Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Hong Kong
- VA Boston Healthcare Systems
2015 CHARGE activities include:
- Throughout March 2015, The BASIS published research reviews and editorials that addressed gambling and gambling-related problems. You can find that special series here.
- On March 4, 2015, Dr. Matthew Tom gave a presentation titled “Gambling and Statistics: Beyond the Games” to the Boston Chapter of the American Statistical Association
- On March 5, 2015, Dr. Sarah Nelson presented to the Massachusetts Gaming Commission about the 2015 Gambling Disorder Screening Day.
- On March 26, 2015, Dr. Heather Gray presented a webinar, “Addiction As Syndrome: Implications for Understanding and Treating Gambling Disorders and Other Addictive Behaviors.” This webinar was hosted by Screening for Mental Health.
- On June 30, 2015 Dr. Sarah Nelson discussed the latest in online gambling research on the Gambling Issues Podcast.
CHARGE’s Second Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s second Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 10, 2015 included supporters from within Massachusetts and around the nation.
- Association of Problem Gambling Service Administrators
- Behavioral Health Network – Springfield
- Boston ASAP
- Gándara Center
- International Gaming Institute
- Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services
- Massachusetts Gaming Commission
- Mount Auburn Hospital Prevention & Recovery Center
- National Center for Responsible Gaming
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- New Hampshire Council on Problem Gambling
- Screening for Mental Health, Inc.
- Steppingstone, Inc. Outpatient Treatment Services
- University of California, Los Angeles
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
2014 CHARGE activities include:
- During February 2014, CHARGE Faculty began a 10-week gambling seminar series to educate Cambridge Health Alliance Outpatient Addiction Services about gambling and gambling disorder. Topics included an Introduction to CHARGE, Addiction Syndrome: From Gambling to Gambling Disorder, Epidemiology of Gambling: Focus on Massachusetts, Games & Gambling Involvement, Neurobiology of Gambling, Psychopharmacology and Gambling Treatment, Internet Gambling, Exposure & Adaptation to Gambling Opportunities, Treatment in Massachusetts, and Self-exclusion Programs.
- On February 28, 2014, Keith Whyte, Executive Director of the National Council on Problem Gambling, wrote a BASIS guest Editorial to announce National Problem Gambling Awareness Month and advocate more screening on March 11, 2014 and beyond.
- On March 1, 2014, Dr. Sarah Nelson presented Using Advances in Addiction to Understand, Assess, and Treat Gambling Problems at the Treating the Addictions annual conference.
- On March 4, 2014, Dr. Heather Gray, CHARGE Faculty at the Division on Addiction, and Victor Ortiz, Senior Director of Programs and Services at the Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling, lead a two-hour training at St. Francis House about gambling disorder, screening, and Massachusetts resources for gambling disorder in preparation for Gambling Disorder Screening Day – 2014.
- On March 19, 2014, research staff from the Division on Addiction presented new findings related to gambling in Massachusetts at the Harvard Psychiatry Research Day Poster Session and Mysell Lecture. Please click here to view the poster.
- On March 20, 2014, Dr. Sarah Nelson spoke about Internet Gambling: Behaviors, Risks, Interventions, and Implications during a Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling research luncheon in Springfield, Massachusetts.
- On April 10, 2014, Dr. Debi LaPlante presented new findings related to gambling involvement in Massachusetts.
- On April 29, 2014, Dr. Sarah Nelson visited Bridgewater University to provide gambling disorder training at the School of Social Work as part of a post-Master’s certification program focusing on addiction.
- On June 12, 2014, Dr. Debi LaPlante spoke about Internet Gambling: A Look at the Evidence during a Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling research luncheon in Boston, Massachusetts.
CHARGE’s First Gambling Disorder Screening Day
CHARGE’s first Gambling Disorder Screening Day on March 11, 2014 included supporters from around the nation:
- Advocates, Inc.
- Association of Problem Gambling Service Administrators
- Behavioral Health Network, Inc.
- Cambridge Health Alliance Outpatient Addiction Services
- The Council on Compulsive Gambling of Pennsylvania
- Duffy Health Center
- The Dunes East Hampton
- Harvard University Office of Work/Life
- The Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations
- Institute for Community Health
- International Gaming Institute
- KGA, Inc.
- Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling
- Massachusetts Gaming Commission
- National Council on Problem Gambling
- National Center for Responsible Gaming
- North Charles Institute
- Office of Problem Gambling, California Department of Public Health
- St. Francis House
- Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming
- VA Boston Healthcare Systems